Check fixtures and control gauges

Check fixtures and control gauges


The checking fixture is a convenient tool used by industrial production companies to control the dimensions of auto parts (such as trim edge, surface profile, hole size, flatness, etc.), it is suitable for mass production of parts detection.

The first generation, G1 flexible gauges refer to modular gauges or combination gauges and combination fixtures, which can be freely combined and reused, including threaded holes, profiles, hydraulics, and other forms .

The second-generation G2 flexible inspection tool is a measuring tool based on a probe and has features such as adjustable and quantitative measurement.

The third generation, G3 flexible inspection tool, refers to a new generation of on-site error detection system. The position and angle of the probe can be arbitrarily set according to the user's needs. The tooling used can also be adjusted according to the product. The measurement process is automatically implemented and the test data is directly entered into the database. The higher-end flexible gage system has error data analysis capabilities and the data can be used for statistical process control (SPC).

Experiences of RADOX production line fixtures in different industries Participation in projects such as:

Tom Iran Khodro Company:

Peugeot 405 production line fixtures

Peugeot RD production line fixtures

Peugeot 206 SD product line fixtures

Production line fixtures L 90

Saipa Company:

Pride production line fixtures

Color line automation

Bahman Automotive Group:

Mazda 323 and MAZDA3 production line fixtures

Hipco Company:

Loader and Grider line production fixtures


Peugeot chair production line checkboxes

Cement mansions:


Machining jigs

And several other industrial projects


Manipulator and conveyor for production lines and many other special industrial equipment are also on the company's product list.